Ultimate Auto Repair in Jackson, MI, gives away a car.

Kindness and generosity.

Wouldn’t you love for your team to be known for their kindness and generosity?

Karl Roekle has built that kind of team at Ultimate Auto Repair in Jackson, Michigan.

Every year since 2018, Ultimate Auto Repair has donated a car to a deserving member of the community. Potential recipients are nominated by local residents. As Karl says, “The ideal person for this opportunity is someone who usually puts others before themselves, and someone that needs a hand up, not a handout.”

Out of 78 nominees, “Lisa” and her family were chosen to receive this year’s vehicle, a 2009 Dodge Caravan.

Karl acknowledges the role his team plays in the annual effort: “At Ultimate Auto Repair we are so blessed and grateful for these wonderful men and women who make it possible to continue to serve the community we love!”

We’re grateful as well to work with Karl and Ultimate Auto Repair—well done!

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By Published On: January 23rd, 2023Categories: Clients